The first step towards any treatment for infertility is getting both the partners evaluated to try and understand the reason for infertility. Once the test results are available, the Infertility Specialist will be able to offer a treatment plan to the couple seeking infertility treatment.
IUI or Intra Uterine Insemination is often, the first line treatment that is offered to most patients where the reason for infertility is either ovulatory dysfunction or sub optimal semen parameter
Often, the first line treatment that is offered to most patients where the reason for infertility is either ovulatory dysfunction, or sub optimal semen parameter is IUI or Intra Uterine Insemination.
To know more about IUI Procedure, please read the post below:
How successful is IUI?
IUI has a success rate of 10 -12 % when Oral tablets and Injections are used simultaneously to stimulate the ovaries. Such IUI cycles are called Stimulated IUI Cycles.
Are stimulated IUI cycles more successful?
Yes Stimulated cycles with tablets and injections for ovarian stimulation are more successful than trying IUI insemination in natural cycles.
How many cycles of IUI should I undergo?
Depends on many parameters like patient Age, Antral Folicle Count, Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH), Ovarian reserve, duration of Infertility and other factors. Usually if age is less than 30 and all reports are normal, 4-6 cycles of IUI can be attempted.
What is the difference between single and double IUI ?
Single IUI means insemination is done once at 34-36 hours after HCG injection.
HCG Injection is administered once the ovarian follicles have attained a certain level of maturity. This injection triggers ovulation of mature follicles.
Double IUI means insemination is done twice. First IUI is done at 24 hours and second IUI at 48 hours after HCG injection.
Both single and double IUI have similar pregnancy rates therefore single IUI is more commonly practised as it is more practical.
How is IUI Semen Sample Prepared?
The method of preparation of IUI semen sample depends of the quality of semen sample produced on the day of IUI.
For normal semen samples, where the concentration and motility of sperms is adequate, the choice of method used is usually Swim-up technique.
Semen sample in which the concentration and quality of sperms is sub optimal, the choice of method used for IUI sample preparation is Double Density Gradient.
Is Sample prepared by Double Density Gradient better for IUI?
Both Swim up and Double Density Gradient give good quality sperms, the choice of method used depends on the semen parameters. However in case the male partner has infectious disease like HIV or Hepatitis, the sperms are prepared by Double Density Gradient method. This method removes the serum from sperms and makes the prepared IUI sample infection free.
Is IUI procedure painful?
No, IUI is not painful. At the time of IUI, there might be slight discomfort, but it is not described as painful by most patients. In some cases there might be slight cramp like pain after IUI for which a simple pain killer like paracetamol 500mg can be taken.
How long does it take to get the IUI procedure done?
On the day of IUI procedure, your husband will be advised to produce semen sample, which will be processed by Andrology laboratory. It usually takes approximately 1 hour to prepare IUI Sample.
The IUI insemination procedure itself takes less than 5 minutes, but one has to rest for 10 minutes after IUI is done. Once IUI insemination in completed, patient usually consults the Infertility specialist to understand the follow up plan after IUI.
Can I go to work after IUI treatment?
After about 10 minutes of rest, you can resume all normal activities like driving, working etc.
How many days will it take to know if I am Pregnant after IUI Procedure?
You can do a urine pregnancy test 14 days after ovulation is detected in an IUI cycle. Sometimes urine pregnancy test may be inconclusive and may show a light second line. In such cases, always consult your doctor as he may suggest a blood test for confirmation.
What treatment options do I have after repeated IUI failure?
Repeated IUI failures should be thoroughly evaluated for knowing the cause of Infertility. Next course of action is defined depending on age and duration of infertility. IVF can be considered after multiple IUI failures.
When is IUI with Donor sample recommended?
In cases of azoospermia IUI with donor sample can be considered when there is no sperm production at the testicular level. This condition is called primary testicular failure. In cases of obstructive azoospermia and other cases where sperms can be retrieved from testes or epididymis by TESA or TESE, IVF/ ICSI with surgically retrieved sperms should be offered instead of IUI with donor sperm because this will give a chance to pass on your own genetic material to your progeny.