Will Counselling for Infertility with my partner Help ?
The process of Counselling gives couples an ability to express and explore their feelings, beliefs, thoughts and problems with someone who may not have walked your shoes but is closest to one’s who have.
Infertility Counsellors are trained to understand the type of issues usually faced by couples undergoing treatment. Apart from being a good ear to your problems, they can offer invaluable advice and suggestions to you that might help you ease your pain.
Sometimes during the process of Counselling couples discuss things that they haven’t discussed even with each other, making it easy for them to objectively understand each other’s fear, concerns and behavior.
Open discussion with a Counselor often gives couples an opportunity of developing their thoughts, couples will often change their perspectives towards treatment and be in a better position to make an informed decision on their future direction.
My husband is not comfortable discussing Infertility related problems with a doctor or Infertility counsellor, What shall i do ?
Men often find it very difficult to open up to even friends let alone an Infertility Doctor. It is very natural. However, they might feel comfortable having open discussions with a male counterpart, for such issues. Try approaching our Male Infertility Specialist to discuss about options rather than being hung up upon the problems.
At our IVF Clinic we offer Certified Counselor’s who help couples in every step of their infertility journey. And most of the times talking to our Embryologist or Doctor’s during the initial work up itself clears a lot of air and eliminates the need of deep counselling
If you feel you need someone to hear you out and let you know that there is light at the end of the tunnel... WE ARE JUST A CALL AWAY
Call or whatsApp on 9644444066 to fix a Counselling Session