With so much information available on the internet, Patients these days can be better prepared for their treatment. But at the same time, too much information can cause lot of anxiety which at times adds on to the pre existing stress.
It is always good to be well read, however one should use their judgement wisely before trusting the source of information. Also you should understand that not all medical knowledge can be transferred to the patient via blogs. Most of the information written on most websites are generic information which may at times not apply to your specific medical history.
At times, it is best to talk to a specialist directly and trust his/her judgement than to hunt for answers on internet on your own.
Here is a list of typically asked Questions about IVF:
- Can you please explain the IVF Process
- I have blocked tubes, is IVF my only options ?
- I have PCOS, will that affect my chances of pregnancy using IVF ?
- My husband has Azoospermia, is there any other form of treatment via oral medication, or is IVF the only option?
- All my reports are normal, I have tried 3 cycles of IUI but it did not work. Should I try more e IUI cycles or directly think about IVF ?
- My husband has poor morphology sperms , can he take oral medications to improve it ? Will he need TESA ?
- I have low AMH , but am not willing to use Donor Oocytes, what will be the success rate if I try with only 1 or 2 growing follicles ?
- Is IVF a 100% guaranteed treatment ?
- What is the difference between IVF and ICSI?
- What is Blastocyst Transfer?
- Will you charge separately for Blastocyst Transfer ?
- What is Laser Assisted Hatching ?
- Is success rate of Frozen Embryo Transfer more ?
- What is the success rate at your Clinic ?
- I am 38 years old , should I try PGS or PGT with IVF ? Will it increase my chances of conception ?
- What is the cost of IVF treatment ?
- Do I have to pay the entire amount in one go? Or can I pay in Installments ?
- I can’t afford IVF treatment, what else can I try? Is there a Loan Facility ?
- I have tried IVF once and it failed, what are my chances if I try again.
- I have had multiple IVF Failures, what will you guys do differently this time?
- Is IVF process very painful?
- Will I need to take few months leave from work in order to try IVF Cycle?
- Will I need bed rest after IVF Treatment?
- How many times will I need to visit the centre or clinic if I have to undergo IVF ?
- Will I need special care during pregnancy if I conceive through IVF?
- If I undergo IVF will I have more chances of having twins ?
- Are children born out of IVF Treatment more prone to genetic abnormalities?
- Will I have a chance of having a normal delivery after IVF Conception ?
- If we undergo surrogacy program, will the child have any resemblance with the Surrogate ?
- I am above 30 and want to delay pregnancy, will it affect my chances of conception few years later? Should I think about IVF to freeze my embryos now ?
- I am 32 and not married yet, but I want to marry in near future without affecting my chances of pregnancy, what can I do ?
If you happen to be serious about your treatment and have questions about IVF, Call our Consultant (Monday to Friday Between 10 to 2 PM) at: 96444 44066
Note: Please note that our time is valuable so please refrain from holding long discussions or arguments on telephonic calls. Instead book an in person appointment. Please use the call in facility wisely.