During Covid, we all had the same question – Should we wait for IVF treatment ?
IVF treatment in COVID-19 times: Should or should not be done?
These are a few questions that commonly arise while planning IVF treatment or any treatment related to infertility. The most pertinent question being should IVF treatment be initiated or continued during these COVID times.
At Indore Infertility Clinic, our team is constantly trying to keep updated with developments and best practices to and adapt IVF and Infertility treatment in the best possible manner with utmost priority to our patients concerns and staff’s health.
Why it makes sense to plan your IVF treatment during COVID times?
It is difficult to apply a blanket rule to all elective procedures because in some cases, you might think about initiating or continuing your IVF treatment. Some of these practical situation could be:
- Advanced maternal age
- Diminishing ovarian reserve
- Low AMH and Poor Antral follicle count
- Pre-existing advancing conditions that deteriorate with time like endometriosis
- Patients who are undergoing cancer treatment, surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, who wish to preserve their fertility.
- When infertility is affecting mental health, at times it is important to consider commencing treatment.
Risks and benefits have to be assessed by the couple desiring IVF treatment and should be discussed in detail with the infertility specialist before taking any decision.
For making it convenient for the couple to decide whether to proceed for IVF during these COVID 19 times or not, we at Indore Infertility Clinic have an online platform for patients.
They can submit their reports online after which our Doctors review the history and clinical situation and arrange an online Fertility & IVF consultation with our Fertility expert Dr Gajendra Tomar. Patients are send detailed online prescription and further actions related to their treatment.
Most of the times we are able to start medicines and advise life style changes which help in preparing for IVF cycles in the future to get best possible success rate in IVF. In some cases we even start IVF cycles and call patients for monitoring later in the cycle, thereby minimizing hospital visits and therefore minimizing risk of COVID infection. To avail the Free Online IVF Consultation, please click the link below:
Is IVF Treatment safe once lockdown for COVID 19 (Corona) is lifted ?
Staying home and maintaining social distancing is without any morsel of doubt the safest way to keep yourself protected from COVID19 or Corona Transmission. However we all will eventually have to learn to live with the virus. The truth of the matter is that the virus is not going to vanish once the lockdown opens.
There is no definitive timeframe by which the Covid19 virus will subside or vaccination will be available in the market, so how long you should wait before everything is back to Normal ? Is a question that no one has an answer for. Keeping this in mind, the question that you should ask yourself is that How long are you willing to wait for your treatment?
All we can do at our end is to minimize the risk of transmission by following good Sanitation Protocols and Government Regulated Social Distancing Guidelines.
Whether or not you should initiate your IVF cycle after the Lockdown is lifted, is a very subjective decision which is completely based on the couple undergoing treatment and we completely respect that decision.
Few things to keep in mind before starting your treatment, if you decide to do so:
- The chances of catching the infection at a Clinic are similar to chances of catching the infection when you go about following your normal routine like buying vegetables locally.
- Covid19 is a viral infection, normal healthy people will be able to respond to it like normal cold and flu, but with maybe little aggravated symptoms for a few. Proper rest and isolation will ensure that you do not pass it on to anyone of your family members.
- Technically it is possible to transmit the virus from a mother to her baby during pregnancy. Hence it is advised that you should get yourself tested for Covid19 prior to Embryo Transfer.
What measures does the clinic take to ensure no COVID19 transmission to IVF patients?
Following measures are strictly followed:
- We pre-screen patients on phone based on their area of residence and patients belonging to hotspots or containment areas are not called to clinic in person.
- Once patient enters Hospital premises, each and every patient is screened with digital no touch thermometer and sanitized as per protocol.
- We have sufficiently large waiting area to maintain social distancing.
- Above all we provide telephonic consultation Free of Cost to all our existing and new patients and do not call patients to clinic physically unless highly indicated.
- We test for COVID19 before starting IVF Cycle, before Ovum Pickup and once before Embryo Transfer.
- We recommend, train and encourage patients to use self-injectable subcutaneous injections during IVF Cycle to limit the number of visits to the clinic.
What steps should patients take to undergo IVF treatment after Covid19 lockdown is lifted?
- Always call prior for Appointment.
- Truthfully answer the questions asked to you by the clinic for Telephonic Screening. This may include your travel history, your residential address, your recent contacts, recent bouts of fever, cough and cold etc.
- Bring your own water bottle while you come to clinic.
- Wear double layered mask and do not touch the mask.
- Bring Hand Sanitizer.
- Limit urge to use common washrooms.
- Preferably come alone or Limit attendants to one per patient.
- While undergoing treatment, strictly follow social distancing guideline and avoid social gatherings. This will not only safeguard you, but also keep our doctor’s and staff safe.
- Once you reach home, immediately change. Do not reuse the same clothes without washing. Also sanitize items of personal use like mobile phone, purse etc.
Go through the video below to know what precautions you should take before starting your IVF Treatment.